![Hand drawing illustration of the Big house, fantasy architecture. Sketch, detailed ink concept图片](http://d300.paixin.com/thumbs/2963315/539432698/staff_1024.jpg?imageView2/2/w/500/h/360/format/webp/interlace/1/q/90/ignore-error/1)
©正版 | Hand drawing illustration of the Big house, fantasy architecture. Sketch, detailed ink concept
![Hand drawing illustration of the Big house, fantasy architecture. Sketch, detailed ink concept图片](http://d300.paixin.com/thumbs/2963315/539432696/staff_1024.jpg?imageView2/2/w/500/h/360/format/webp/interlace/1/q/90/ignore-error/1)
©正版 | Hand drawing illustration of the Big house, fantasy architecture. Sketch, detailed ink concept
©正版 | Hand drawing illustration of the Big house, fantasy architecture. Sketch, detailed ink concept
©正版 | Hand drawing illustration of the Big house, fantasy architecture. Sketch, detailed ink concept