©正版 | 青花福禄寿双耳瓶 中国,青花福禄寿双耳瓶,青花瓷,古玩,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | 木雕福禄寿三星像 中国,木雕福禄寿三星像,木雕,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | Glass medical bottle and blue medicine capsules, pills are spilled on the white surface
©正版 | White and silver perfume bottle in red and white box 白色和银色的香水瓶在红色和白色的盒子与白色的背景。新香水的概念。3D渲染。打起精神
©正版 | 福禄花 福禄花的关门
©正版 | Medicine in shop trolley and pills spilling out of white bottle on blue background 商店推车中的各种胶囊、药片和药品,以及蓝色背景的白色瓶子中喷出的药丸。购买和购买药品的概念.
©正版 | 青花缠枝花卉纹双耳瓶 中国,青花缠枝花卉纹双耳瓶,青花瓷,古玩,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | 象牙雕福禄寿三星像 中国,象牙雕福禄寿三星像,象牙,彩绘,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | 花福禄考 水彩花卉福禄考
©正版 | 水彩福禄花 美丽的插图与手绘水彩 flox 花
©正版 | 青白玉雕花卉纹双耳盖瓶 中国,青白玉雕花卉纹双耳盖瓶,玉,白玉,古玩,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | Blue and white abstract background and texture
©正版 | 黄地青花粉彩开光双兽耳瓶 中国,黄地青花粉彩开光双兽耳瓶,瓷器,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | Closeup of blue pils falling from plastic bottle on white backgr 白色底座上从塑料瓶上掉下来的蓝色枕头的塞子
©正版 | 青玉雕活环双耳瓶 中国,青玉雕活环双耳瓶,玉,玉雕,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | 粉红色福禄花 花园中的粉红黄花
©正版 | Abstract blue and white tones blackground.
©正版 | 青釉弦纹长颈双耳瓶 中国,青釉弦纹长颈双耳瓶,瓷器,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | blue and white pool water background Blue and white pool water background
©正版 | White and blue abstract geometric background
©正版 | moss 福禄 Moss 福禄
©正版 | Wireless headphones with a phone on a white background, in-ear and gaming headphones.
©正版 | 福禄考花道格拉斯 Phlox Douglas 。 在演播室里的玻璃杯里射花
©正版 | 夏天草地鲜花福禄
©正版 | 福禄考的水彩花束. 福禄考花花束的水彩插图. 绿色,图像,图解,纸张,夏天,春天,叶子,水,花瓣,开花,植物类,头,植物学,茎状物,水彩画,油漆,效果,油漆过,刷牙,绘图,纹理化,粗糙的,工艺,花葶,福禄考
©正版 | Black and white Persian cats with brown and blue eyes isolated on white background
©正版 | dropper glass bottle with pipette and yellow cosmetic oil on blue background and fern leaf Trendy dropper glass bottle with pipette and yellow cosmetic oil on blue background and fern leaf
©正版 | 青白玉回纹活环双耳瓶 中国,青白玉回纹活环双耳瓶,玉,白玉,古玩,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | Medicine pills and brown bottle w/ white number 2020 on light blue background. Happy New Year banner for medical, pharmacy and health care theme. Flat layout.
©正版 | White dish on a pink and blue background
©正版 | Blue-and-white texture with elements of a 在这张图片中,你可以看到蓝白色纹理,不同的奥登科这些颜色是非常不错的。只是图片存在元素白色。可用作背景、壁纸、屏幕保护程序.
©正版 | 青玉雕松鹤延年双耳盖瓶 中国,青玉雕松鹤延年双耳盖瓶,玉,白玉,古玩,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | muscular sportsman in blue shorts drinking water from sports bottle near white brick wall Muscular sportsman in blue shorts drinking water from sports bottle near white brick wall
©正版 | fresh juice in bottle near mango and white cube on green background Fresh juice in bottle near mango and white cube on green background
©正版 | 粉彩花卉纹双耳瓶 中国,粉彩花卉纹双耳瓶,瓷器,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | white blue and checkered clean ironed men shirts 白色的蓝色和格子的蓝色和格子的干净的熨烫过的男人衬衫挂在白色衣橱的衣架上
©正版 | blue glass baby bottle teat 在室内纯白色背景下,蓝色玻璃婴儿奶嘴的特写细节视图。男婴奶瓶的静生.
©正版 | boots, protective gloves and ear muffs 皮革防水靴,防护手套和减噪耳罩上划伤金属表面,施工理念.
©正版 | fresh juice in bottle near lemons and white cubes on yellow background Fresh juice in bottle near lemons and white cubes on yellow background
©正版 | Cosmetic pipette and dark oil bottle with drop closeup on white background. Closeup image with cosmetic pipette, dark oil bottle and drop closeup on white background.
©正版 | glitter vintage lights background. silver, blue and white. defocused. Glitter vintage lights background. silver, blue and white. defocused.
©正版 | Dead trees and fields with white clouds blue sky
©正版 | Weathered terracotta planter with red, white and blue flowers.
©正版 | Raw pig ear isolated on a white background. One raw, pig ear isolated on a white background. Pork meat, offal. Packshot, catalog photo.
©正版 | Plastic white spray bottle isolated on white background Plastic white spray bottle isolated on white background.
©正版 | 粉彩福寿纹天球瓶 中国,粉彩福寿纹天球瓶,瓷器,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | 青花矾红云福纹葫芦瓶 中国,青花矾红云福纹葫芦瓶,青花瓷,古玩,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | Many blue and white pills on background. 3D rendered illustratio Many blue and white pills on background. 3D rendered illustration.
©正版 | woman in jeans and blue shirt with white t-cellulite Woman in jeans and blue shirt with white t-cellulite
©正版 | White windows with blue sky and clouds on the background
©正版 | Olives in a bowl and olive oil in a bottle on a white background.
©正版 | 青花寿字碗 中国,青花寿字碗,青花瓷,古玩,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | 青花喜上眉梢双耳扁壶 中国,青花喜上眉梢双耳扁壶,青花瓷,古玩,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | 蜂鸟和福禄考 蜂鸟饮品花蜜从紫色的福禄考
©正版 | White glass cosmetic serum dropper bottle and box 3D render, care product packaging for design and branding mockup
©正版 | 青釉双耳尊 中国,青釉双耳尊,青花瓷,古玩,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | 花束的百合、 雏菊和福禄考. 一束百合、 雏菊和夹竹桃在议会中乡村风格的背景上的陶壶静物.
©正版 | Blue color chemical in spray bottle 蓝色化学玻璃清洁剂在白色背景中的喷雾瓶隔离.
©正版 | fresh juice in bottle near lemon and white cubes on yellow background, panoramic shot Fresh juice in bottle near lemon and white cubes on yellow background, panoramic shot
©正版 | 罕见的颜色杂色粉红色与白色条状福禄 (花园福禄考) 盛开
©正版 | 象耳双联瓶 中国,象耳双联瓶,瓷器,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | Dropper and Glass Bottle 滴漏器和棕色玻璃瓶的特写镜头.
©正版 | 青花鱼寿司 青花鱼寿司,司寿司,日本料理,亚洲,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | Blue pills spilling out of pill bottle 泄漏丸瓶白色背景上的蓝色药丸。照片.
©正版 | Empty water bottle on white background
©正版 | 蓝色福禄考孤立的白色背景上绿色玻璃花瓶中的花束.
©正版 | A water drop splash using blue and white dyes against a blue background - liquid drop art
©正版 | beautiful woman in white t-shirt and blue jeans holding air balloons on white background Beautiful woman in white t-shirt and blue jeans holding air balloons on white background
©正版 | Blue water and air bubbles in the pool over white background
©正版 | White bottle of perfume, black background 白色和银色的香水瓶装在白色和红色的盒子里,放在黑色的表面上。香水生产中的新词概念.3D渲染。打起精神
©正版 | 福禄和时钟静物
©正版 | 仿哥釉双耳瓶 中国,仿哥釉双耳瓶,瓷器,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | Part of a concrete structure. Background of blue sky and white clouds.
©正版 | smiling woman with bangs and blue eyes looking up isolated on white Smiling woman with bangs and blue eyes looking up isolated on white
©正版 | 粉蝶科蝴蝶花蜜从粉红色福禄
©正版 | Young ginger white woman smiling and looking aside isolated over blue background
©正版 | Little baby with bottle in white bed 有趣的婴儿穿着五颜六色的睡衣,瓶子喝水或奶白色婴儿床与冠层中。孩子的的健康营养。苗圃内政和婴儿床上的用品。儿童喝配方在床上.
©正版 | Image of the watercolor red wine (champagne) bottle, bunch of blue grapes and glass of the red wine. Painted hand-drawn in a watercolor on a white background. 孤立的水彩红酒(香槟)瓶,一串蓝色(紫)葡萄和红葡萄酒的玻璃图像。在白色背景上绘制水彩画.
©正版 | baby dummies and feeding bottle 特写婴儿假人静命,在白色背景上一起喂奶瓶。托儿所新生物品的详细视图.
©正版 | baby dummy and feeding bottle 在白色背景上一起关闭婴儿假人和奶瓶的静生活。托儿所新生物品的详细视图.
©正版 | Image of the watercolor white wine bottle, green grapes and glass of the white wine. Painted hand-drawn in a watercolor on a white background. 孤立的水彩白酒瓶、青葡萄和白葡萄酒玻璃的图像。在白色背景上绘制水彩画.
©正版 | 在花园里种植的淡紫色福禄考 淡紫色福禄考鲜花盛开在夏天的花园里与老谷仓在背景中
©正版 | Panoramic view of clear blue sky and clouds, Blue sky background with tiny clouds. White fluffy clouds in the blue sky.
©正版 | 粉青釉贯耳瓶 中国,粉青釉贯耳瓶,瓷器,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | 青釉出戟双耳罐 中国,青釉出戟双耳罐,瓷器,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | Spring holiday composition with white tulips and blank card on blue background
©正版 | Blue and white cornish seaside cottage, St Mawes, Cornwall, England, UK, Europe
©正版 | Wineglass and bottle still life 一杯红葡萄酒和一瓶关闭了背景餐厅.
©正版 | woman and girl in white dresses and straw hats walking in flowering meadow under blue sky Woman and girl in white dresses and straw hats walking in flowering meadow under blue sky
©正版 | Teenager girl with white short hair over blue wall having doubts and thinking
©正版 | 蜂鸟漂浮在福禄考 带翅膀的头和嘴蜂鸟漂浮在粉红色的福禄,白色背景
©正版 | top view of bath soap in blue and white stripes on grey background Top view of bath soap in blue and white stripes on grey background
©正版 | top view of striped white and blue soap bar on bright yellow background Top view of striped white and blue soap bar on bright yellow background
©正版 | 荞麦釉双龙耳瓶 中国,荞麦釉双龙耳瓶,瓷器,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | 玉雕活环双耳瓶 中国,玉雕活环双耳瓶,玉,玉雕,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | 红釉双耳长颈瓶 中国,红釉双耳长颈瓶,瓷器,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | young man drinking water from bottle isolated on blue Young man drinking water from bottle isolated on blue
©正版 | Image of the watercolor white wine bottle, glass of the white wine, Brie cheese and green grape. Painted hand-drawn in a watercolor on a white background. 孤立的水彩白葡萄酒瓶、一杯白葡萄酒、布里奶酪和绿色葡萄的插图。在白色背景上绘制水彩画
©正版 | Milk bottle with striped straw isolated on white
©正版 | Blank plastic spray bottle isolated on white background
©正版 | top view of blue and white soap on yellow background with copy space Top view of blue and white soap on yellow background with copy space
©正版 | Mix of black and classic blue ink in water isolated on white background. 顏,白色,背景,隔离,装饰,拖放,液体,纹理,颜色,黑色,水彩,油漆,染,抽象,流动,议案,若水,动态,运动,组合,压克力,水下,化学,超现实,趋势
©正版 | the number 46th in white on blue and red watercolors for the USA The number 46th in white on blue and red watercolors for the USA
©正版 | Two round platforms for product presentation on abstract white and light blue background Two round platforms on abstract minimalist geometric white and light blue background. 3D visualization of podium mockup for product presentation. Horizontal image
©正版 | Scenic view of blue lagoon and white wild beach, the Ha Long Bay 越南,在南海的通金湾下龙湾的蓝色泻湖和白色野生热带海滩的风景。由岩溶塔和蔚蓝的水形成的景观.
©正版 | Abstract pattern blue and green color on white background , Illustration watercolor hand draw and painted on paper
©正版 | Blue sky, white smoke. Industrial emissions, global warming. Bright blue sky, white thick smoke. Solar lighting, vignetting.
©正版 | Beautiful Painting Goddess Woman with ornamental mandala and color abstract background. Blue, black, yellow, white and red color.
©正版 | 紫地福寿花卉纹鼓凳 中国,紫地福寿花卉纹鼓凳,瓷器,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | 粉红色的苔藓福禄考 粉红色的苔藓福禄考花场 绿色,草,自然,阳光明媚,花香,粉红色的,风光,蓝蓝的天空,花卉园,盛开,高寒草甸,粉红色的苔藓福禄考
©正版 | White paper airplane with growing sketch graph on blue background, growth and successful concept.
©正版 | top view of bath soap with white and blue stripes on yellow background, banner Top view of bath soap with white and blue stripes on yellow background, banner
©正版 | portrait tiger with eagle and butterfly wings.. Color Abstract background and ornament, vintage structure. Animal concept. Blue, black and white color. Portrait tiger with eagle and butterfly wings.. Color Abstract background and ornament, vintage structure. Animal concept. Blue, black and white color
©正版 | Titmouse bird and golden mandala, ornament background and desert crackle. computer collage, profile portrait, violet , white, blue and yellow color.
©正版 | pretty young woman with bangs and decorative rhinestones under blue eyes isolated on white Pretty young woman with bangs and decorative rhinestones under blue eyes isolated on white
©正版 | Bottle of water isolated on a white background View of a Bottle of water isolated on a white background
©正版 | Majolica pattern. Sicilian hand drawn blue ornament. Traditional blue and white ceramic tiles. Portuguese traditional azulejo pattern. Moroccan style.
©正版 | Majolica seamless pattern. Sicilian hand drawn blue ornament. Traditional blue and white ceramic tiles. Portuguese traditional azulejo pattern. Moroccan style.
©正版 | baby dummy and feeding bottle together 特写婴儿假人和奶瓶的静生,以及白色背景上的洗浴海绵。托儿所新生物品的详细视图.
©正版 | 白玉雕双耳瓶和壶 白玉雕双耳瓶和壶,玉,玉雕,古董,古代文物,瑰宝,传统的,古代文明,中国文化,艺术品,精美,收藏品,影棚拍摄,白天,摄影,黑背景
©正版 | Knitting wool and knitting needles in pastel blue and pink colors on white wooden background. top view.copy space
©正版 | Beautiful Painting Goddess Woman with ornamental mandala and butterfly and color abstract background and fire structure. meditative closed eyes. Blue, black and white color.
©正版 | white starfish on blue 蓝色底色的白色海星
©正版 | tiger collage on color abstract background and mandala with ornament, painting wildlife animals. Blue, orange, black and white color. Tiger collage on color abstract background and mandala with ornament, painting wildlife animals. Blue, orange, black and white color
©正版 | Set of five smartphones gold, red, blue, silver and black - blank screen and isolated on white background, high resolution.
©正版 | bottle and cheese on a dark background Bottle and cheese on a dark background
©正版 | 听力保护蓝色耳罩 Hearing protection blue ear muffs, Personal Protective Equipment, Safety Equipment isolated on white background