©正版 | 绿色背景上孤立的枇杷枸杞果实
©正版 | 一束成熟的水果枸杞在蓝色的木质背景下 枇杷橙果在树枝上, 叶子上有蓝色的木质背景
©正版 | 一束成熟的水果枸杞在棕色的木质背景上
©正版 | 白色背景上的干枸杞浆果与文本的复制空间 白色背景上的干枸杞浆果与文本的复制空间.
©正版 | 巧克力蛋糕片断与枸杞浆果果酱和奶油芝士 巧克力蛋糕片断与枸杞浆果果酱和奶油干酪。选择性焦点 白色,没人,特写,片断,糕饼,奶油,甜,国产,烘烤,莓果,部分,奶酪,巧克力,叉,卡纸,糖霜,和,果酱,巧克力蛋糕
©正版 | 什锦的干果 (葡萄干、 杏、 无花果、 李子、 枸杞、 小红莓) 各种干果(葡萄干,杏,无花果,修剪,果仁,蔓越莓)在木制背景
©正版 | 情人节那天早餐-格兰诺拉麦片,酸奶、 枸杞果、 椰子 情人节礼物一天早餐-格兰诺拉麦片,酸奶、 枸杞和椰子,复制空间
©正版 | 什锦的干果 (葡萄干、 杏、 无花果、 李子、 枸杞、 小红莓)
©正版 | 干狼浆果 干的枸杞的独家新闻
©正版 | 健康坚果和干的浆果的独家新闻 杏仁,山核桃,干小红莓,樱桃和乡村瓢枸杞(枸杞藏族),在白色孤立
©正版 | 在瓷汤匙过急。花粉、 枸杞、 蓝莓、 螺旋藻、 沙棘和藏红花
©正版 | 超级食物-枸杞浆果、 籽和南瓜种子和蔬菜、 水果、 草药
©正版 | 枸杞、 螺旋藻、 正大种子 (超级) 上木制的真空开关管
©正版 | 枸杞富含维他命源。健康食品概念。纯素食, vegeterian 均衡饮食
©正版 | 甜蜜的成熟水果枇杷与格鲁吉亚 格鲁吉亚的成熟浆果枸杞美味
©正版 | 抹茶杯子蛋糕 枸杞浆果和抹茶拿铁抹茶杯子蛋糕
©正版 | 拼贴设置超级食物-枸杞浆果,配合蔬菜、 水果和香草的正大种子 姜汁,自然,食物,蛋白质,苹果,西红柿,贝瑞,维生素a,生活方式,有机污染物,干的,有营养,水果,抗氧化剂,亚麻,素食主义者,蓝莓,超级食品,超棒,鳄梨,奇亚,拼贴集
©正版 | 全麦早餐华夫格 配上黑莓和枸杞浆果全麦早餐华夫格
©正版 | 在中国的浙江枸杞岛, 黎明前的天空和海岸, 五颜六色的云正在改变
©正版 | 淮杞牛腱 牛腱,亚洲,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | 中提琴枸花 在白色背景上的中提琴枸花
©正版 | 杞枣芹菜汤 枸杞,芹,菜汤,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | 银杞明目汤 银杞,砂锅,汤,筷子,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | 鹌鹑杜杞汤 鹌鹑,枸杞,亚洲,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | 枸鞭壮阳汤 枸鞭,汤,亚洲,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | 盅杞寄生茶 盅杞,茶,饮料,亚洲,食品,中式,中国元素,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | 杞子炖羊脑 枸杞,羊脑,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | 干果 形成背景的芒果、 枸杞、 杏、 小红莓和金黄的葡萄干干果.
©正版 | 蓝莓冰沙碗与新鲜蓝莓的木桌上 蓝莓冰沙碗与杏仁、 枸杞和质朴的老木桌上正大种子
©正版 | leaves in autumn forest Leaves in autumn forest
©正版 | Holly Leaves和Berries 欧洲冬青 (冬青 aquifolium) 叶子和果实
©正版 | 盛开的柳树 (杞) 蓝色的天空盛开柳树 (杞白露锦)
©正版 | Dry yerba mate leaves Dry yerba mate leaves, traditional drink of Argentina.
©正版 | 紫色中提琴枸 紫色中提琴枸特写镜头
©正版 | 杞菊决明子茶 杞菊,决明子,茶,茶饮,茶文化,饮品,亚洲,饮食,美味,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | 黄精杞子炖鸡 黄精,炖,红枣,鸡汤,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | Green leaves, close up view
©正版 | dumplings with cherries and leaves 自制饺子,盘子里有樱桃和叶子
©正版 | 参须杞子炖牛腩 参须,牛腩,亚洲,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | 双耳杞子瘦肉汤 黑木耳,枸杞,瘦肉汤,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | 杞子圆肉生鱼汤 枸杞,鱼汤,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | Green leaves as background texture
©正版 | The Spearmint (Mentha spicata) leaves. 留兰香 (留兰香) 是几个的混合饮料,鸡尾酒和薄荷去黑头等成分。在草药、 留兰香浸泡作为茶治疗胃痛.
©正版 | background of tiny blue leaves Background of tiny blue leaves
©正版 | 淮山杞子羊肉汤 淮山,桂圆,汤,亚洲,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | Autumn watercolor background with colorful leaves, fruit, berries, mushrooms, yellow leaves, rose hips. watercolor illustration 水彩花卉背景圈子从五颜六色的树叶,秋天水果、 浆果、 蘑菇、 黄叶、 玫瑰果。水彩插图
©正版 | Heliconia leaves on white background.
©正版 | Coconut on dark tropical leaves Coconut on dark tropical leaves. Composition with split coconut on different tropical leaves. Concept of tropical food and drinks. Free space for text, copy space, banner, blank
©正版 | Decorative tree and green leaves 装饰树和绿叶与阴影,隔离在白色背景
©正版 | Autumn transparent maple leaves pattern background. Black and white art autumn leaves pattern. Fabric texture.
©正版 | 茯苓淮杞牛腩煲 茯苓,枸杞,汤,亚洲,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | 淮山杞子炖羊肉汤 淮山,炖,羊肉,亚洲,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | 雪耳杞子田七鸡汤 银耳,枸杞,鸡汤,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | green milkweed leaves of a plant Green milkweed leaves of a plant
©正版 | Tropical green leaves background. Summer concept.
©正版 | Playful kids and parents throw leaves 顽皮的孩子和父母在玩耍时把树叶扔到空中,同时在美丽的阳光明媚的秋日坐在草地上
©正版 | Beautiful bougainvillea flowers with green leaves
©正版 | 夏季水果板块在一个老木桌, 传统的塞浦路斯枸杞和瓜切片的背景上模糊的绿色植物, 关闭
©正版 | blackbackground 上的小碗里有各种各样的保健品。超级食品为嘉, 生可可豆, 枸杞, 鹰嘴豆, 扁豆。复制空间。平躺. Blackbackground 上的小碗里有各种各样的保健品。超级食品为嘉, 生可可豆, 枸杞, 鹰嘴豆, 扁豆。复制空间。平躺.
©正版 | Water drops on Annona squamosa leaves
©正版 | Autumn leaves in vintage park alley 美丽的秋季复古公园小巷与树木,鼓舞人心的景观与选择性的焦点叶
©正版 | Green pandan leaves in the garden.
©正版 | 花旗参杞子竹丝鸡汤 花旗参,竹丝,亚洲,中国菜,特色菜,私房菜,中餐,饮食,膳食,美味,熟食,传统,健康,室内,彩色图片,图像
©正版 | Watercolor set of floral elements and leaves 设置,花卉元素和叶子的集合,在白色背景上画水彩
©正版 | fresh spinach leaves in a wooden box 新鲜的菠菜叶子在白色背景的木盒中
©正版 | Cosmetic bottle with green leaves of eucalyptus. Cosmetic bottle with green leaves of eucalyptus, Blank label mock-up.
©正版 | Violet rose with leaves isolated on black
©正版 | Rose with green leaves isolated on black
©正版 | Ruschberry leaves across under the microscope, 100x
©正版 | autumn landscape with yellow leaves, city park Autumn landscape with yellow leaves, city park
©正版 | beautiful botanical shot, green leaves with drops Beautiful botanical shot, green leaves with drops
©正版 | Autumn story concept. Notebook with autumn leaves. Autumn concept with copy space.
©正版 | Green dill leaves isolated on white background.
©正版 | Green leaves of plant isolated on black
©正版 | Clove flower with leaves isolated on black
©正版 | Selective focus of green leaves of microgreens
©正版 | ice cubes, lime slices and mint leaves 新鲜的薄荷叶、 冰块和酸橙片白色背景上
©正版 | chocolate crochet basket decorated with artificial leaves Chocolate crochet basket decorated with artificial leaves
©正版 | Fresh mandarin oranges fruit with green leaves 新鲜柑橘水果与绿叶在木制背景
©正版 | blurred green leaves on a green background 宏园林植物在夏天拍摄
©正版 | Green Floating Leaves isolated on white background
©正版 | Orange falling leaves. Natural illustration beautiful aut 橙色落叶。自然插图美丽的秋天背景与阳光和枫叶
©正版 | Checkered scarf, white papers and autumn leaves 与蓝色方格的围巾、 白皮书和秋天的落叶的秋天概念背景
©正版 | White weekly planner with bright leaves design
©正版 | Family with rake cleaning leaves in garden Cleaning, garden. Young adult parents with rake and sister with brother in casual warm clothes cleaning yellow leaves on green lawn in garden near house on autumn day
©正版 | Background with apple flowers, leaves and apples 无缝花模板与水彩画画苹果花和樱桃花开花孤立
©正版 | Pink rose with leaves isolated on black
©正版 | Microgreens with green leaves isolated on white
©正版 | cropped view of woman touching green leaves Cropped view of woman touching green leaves
©正版 | 天然的绿色莫林加叶子在花园,绿色背景。Moringa, leaves (Moringa oleifera Lamk.).莫林加树叶背景
©正版 | Fresh bright beam of organic radishes with leaves 新鲜一束明亮的有机萝卜,在复古风格的切碎板上的叶子。选择性聚焦
©正版 | Grapefruit, lime, lemon and orange with mint leaves 葡萄柚,酸橙,柠檬和橙子与薄荷叶隔离在白色背景。美味清爽的鸡尾酒配料。咖啡厅菜单设计。带果汁的页面。柑橘明亮的图标。插图.
©正版 | Tropical monstera orchid leaves palm flowers patern seamless
©正版 | Various basil leaves set isolated on white background
©正版 | Beautiful blooming lotus flower with leaves, Waterlily pond
©正版 | Palm tree leaves and sand on wood background 在老式木板木上,棕榈树的叶子和沙。夏季假期(假期)热带海滩背景布局与自由文本空间.
©正版 | Grapefruit, lime, lemon and orange with mint leaves 葡萄柚,酸橙,柠檬和橙子与薄荷叶隔离在木材背景。美味清爽的鸡尾酒配料。咖啡厅菜单设计。带果汁的页面。柑橘明亮的图标。插图.
©正版 | Close up detail of dark green Eucharis leaves 以深色背景为背景的盆栽植物上的观赏性深绿色欧几里得叶的特写
©正版 | Home interior with green leaves decoration. Bouquet of fresh lush leaves standing on wooden sideboard. Simple green fresh home floral decoration.
©正版 | Fresh aloe vera leaves iolated on white background.
©正版 | monochrome floral pattern with roses and leaves. illustration Monochrome floral pattern with roses and leaves. illustration
©正版 | Budding leaves on Crab Apple Tree in Spring
©正版 | Silver dusty miller leaves on pastel blue background
©正版 | Ripe persimmons with leaves on a clay plate 在一个乡村的风格,选择性焦点的粘土板上的叶子与熟柿子
©正版 | Assorted nuts with green leaves on studio background
©正版 | Family throwing leaves in the air during play 在美丽的阳光明媚的秋日,家人在玩耍时在空中扔树叶,而坐在草地上
©正版 | Making rowan leaves in the technique of quilling 为秋季设计创造划船叶。纸条,剪刀,小树枝,有叶子在白色的木桌上。选择性聚焦
©正版 | Autumn watercolor floral background circle from colorful leaves, fruit, berries, mushrooms, yellow leaves, rose hips with place for your text. watercolor illustration 水彩花卉背景圈子从五颜六色的树叶,秋天水果、 浆果、 蘑菇、 黄叶、 玫瑰果与地方为您的文本。水彩插图
©正版 | 带有叶子隔离的石榴果。Lime whole, half, slice,叶子涂成白色leaves on white.Lime剪接路径。高端重触
©正版 | Extraordinarily beautiful colorful stained glass. Leaves are fabulous plants. 格外美丽的彩色彩色玻璃。树叶是美妙的植物。抽象。分形壁纸在您的桌面上。宽屏。用于创意图形设计的数字艺术作品。深色背景.
©正版 | Beautiful of white lotus flowers tropical with green leaves
©正版 | Plant with white flowers and leaves isolated on black
©正版 | Close up view of leaves of microgreens, panoramic shot
©正版 | Hand-made: leaves of mountain ash in quilling techniques 手工制作:山灰叶在打法中,纸条,剪刀在白色的木桌上。选择性聚焦
©正版 | Frame with watercolor colorful tropical leaves and bright plants Frame with watercolor colorful tropical leaves and bright plants on a light background. Seal of the jungle. Floral background. Printing and textile. Exotic tropics. Fresh design.
©正版 | Circle frame of floral elements, leaves, branches and wildflowers 圆形框架、花卉元素花环、树叶、树枝和在白色背景上涂有水彩的野花、贺卡、装饰明信片或邀请函
©正版 | Green tropical smoothie with kiwi, papaya and salad leaves 绿色健康猕猴桃热带水果与木瓜和香蕉的冰沙
©正版 | product display podium leaves. Valentines Day celebration. 3D render. Product display podium leaves. Valentines Day celebration. 3D render
©正版 | branches with watercolor drawing flowers and leaves, floral concept Branches with watercolor drawing flowers and leaves, floral concept
©正版 | Hand painted watercolor illustration - classic blue and gold leaves 手绘水彩画.经典的蓝色和金色叶子和枝条.
©正版 | 药用植物和草药组成: 狗蔷薇,束支玫瑰,类型罗莎供体犬臀部,精油。束,干花的林登和洋甘菊的接骨木和枸杞.
©正版 | Pink lotus flower blooming in pond with green leaves
©正版 | Top view of mandarins with leaves isolated on white Top view of mandarins with leaves isolated on white background
©正版 | Airplanes leaves trace on clear blue sky. Travel concept
©正版 | Parents and kids throw leaves in the air together 父母和孩子在玩耍时向空中扔树叶,同时在阳光明媚的秋日坐在草地上
©正版 | 在木制的勺子的超级食物 在木制的勺子的超级食物︰ 南瓜种子、 亚麻籽、 正大种子、 枸杞、 奎奴亚藜和黑浆果
©正版 | Old stony bridge above autumn river. Water of stream full of colorful leaves, leaves on gravel, blue blurred water is running over boulders 秋江上方的老石桥。溪流中满是五颜六色的叶子,砾石上的叶子,蓝色模糊的水.